Tuesday, February 22, 2005

The GA(y)TES

I went to the Gates in central park today. I cannot bash Christo because he realized a work that was in progress for 20 years. The Gates are impressive because of their color and abundence in the park. I hav eto say that the "saffron" is just plain orange. I touche dteh fabric. Seemes pretty regular. The frame that the fabric is hung on is plastic as is the base. It is all set in a stone block but that isn't very attractive either.

It was cool to see where the gates cross the bridges and tunnels of central park because the gates would and and then continue on the otherside. I would image that an arial view of the park would make for an excellent understanding of their entire work. I have yet to get to that vantage point but will try before the week is up.

In the end everyone who can, should go see it. The damn man took 20 years to get it their. If you are remotely interested in art, get on a train and get to the park.


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