Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Pickup Truck Hell

I was in Florida last week for Xmas. I did a lot of driving along the east coast from West Palm Beach to the Keys and back. I could not get over the amount of white pickup trucks that peppered the highways like a loose shaker accident at a pizza joint. Further more these fools had the driving skills to match that of a 9 year old playing a new car game for their Xbox 360. The pick-ups would weave in and out at high speeds then slow to a crawl in the left lane. A few minutes later they would speed up again only to cut off a few people on the way to the far right lane. Sometimes their would be several doing this at the same time creating an almost jackass like motorized dance routine. When I rented my car at the airport and declined the insurance the clerk informed me that Florida was a no fault state. After having driven there for just under an hour that seems like a HUGE conflict of interest, or if not interest behavior.

To sum it up, watch your ass when you drive here. The hillbilly’s could give a shit about you and your car almost as much as they could give a shit about themselves and their pickups. One fabulous display of neglect was an old, 1985 Chevy s-10 that came within 3 inches of my front bumper while changing lanes from the far left to my lane. He had some beer cans in his bed and a huge sticker across his rear window that read “redneck”. Thanks for explaining.


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