Friday, March 11, 2005

Brad Pitt is not your cousin, your friend or your mailman.

I was listening to a podcast this morning, pop culture rant #9, by my new morning buddy Rob. He got ranting on how much this world pays attention to celebreties. There are shows, magazines and now clothing lines all about them, their break-ups, hook-ups and babies.Rob negatively, associated them to english royalty. He went on to say that they can have whatever they want. (botox, free hotel rooms and comped trips to posh places).

The nerve he struck in me is, WHY DO WE CARE? People follow the happening and gossip of celebreties so closly its facinating. They get emotional when a couple breaks-up, jeolous when their hunk or beauty starts dating someone they don't like. This is a sad life to vicariouly live a hollywood life while stuck in western Pennsylvania. It's funny I wrote "don't like". What that really means is they don't like the way the media and their publicis presented them to the masses. We don't really know what they are like. We don't know anything about them. Unless the celebrity is your cousin, personal friend or your f&*$in' mailman, YOU HAVE KNOW IDEA WHAT THEY ARE LIKE!

Shut off the TV, Close the "US" mag and go talk to your real cousin, friend and mailman. Those peopel you know, or knew and they are ACTUALLY in your life.

Rob's podcast can be found at or by clicking on this


Blogger janello said...

How could I forget. Will he ever be able to forgive me?

9:37 AM  

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