Monday, March 21, 2005

You better be blind or in a stroller.

It is absolutely unbelievable to me how people decide to interact (or not interact) with each other in our American cities. Specifically I am speaking about when we are programmed to “help” absolute strangers.

Aside from tragic and catastrophic events people rarely step out of their routine and help their fellow Americans. The exceptions to this are blind people and women with strollers.

For the past few weeks I have monitored the behavior on NYC subways and in their stations and witnessed this phenomenon. I have seen people step over homeless men on the platform, push through crowds of people to get through the turnstile first, watch a person drop a pile of papers and ignore it, see a $20 bill about to fall out of someone’s back pocket and walk away. That is just for starters.

But, every time I have seen a blind person making their way around the station or a women with a stroller trying to get up or down the stairs people have flocked over to then in hordes. In many cases the blind person was doing just fine and the women with the stroller wasn’t even going up or down the stairs yet.

If these people have enough sense and courtesy to ask these people if they need help why is all other circumstances dismissed?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you get a conscious in SF?



2:21 PM  
Blogger janello said...

San fran is worse. No one lifts a finger or an eye out there. God fobide if they let down their highly intellectual guard and help someone in need that very second. Their idea of help is to put a bumper sticker on their hybrid car and yell for everyone to help something that will take decades and billions of $$ to change.


4:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds like somebody's got a wild hair up their ass.

Speaking of tourists, you know what I hate-how about these German tourists. They walk around down here near the trade center site three and four abreast with little or no respect for personal space. It's just a sidewalk, not the autobahn.

And guess what else--your Von Dutch baseball hats suck. And fake Von Dutch basebal hats suck double. Especially pink.

They're almost as bad as canadians (or canadiens).

5:58 PM  

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