Friday, April 21, 2006

no cavity crack cocaine

Security has gotten pretty tight in the drugstores here in NYC. Recently I attempted to buy a new head for my electric toothbrush and found them locked in a plexiglass case. No not behind the counter in the actual toothbrush aisle. I struggled for the normal 10 minutes to find a sales clerk who was not too busy explaining why 2Pac is a better actor than Robert DeNiro to the half sleeping secirity guard. (a whole different rant). Waited another 10 minutes to locate the key. Waited 5 more minutes for the clerk to get a stool to reach the case. Which was never communicated to me. She just walked away. Good thing I had my mind reading yankees cap on and the batteries were fresh so I was able to understand she went to get a stool. The lock was busted, she called over someone else, the key broke in the lock and that ended that. So I stood there stairing at what I wanted to purchase but was not able to for another second pondering what to do becuase the 2 staff members certainly had no options for me. Or maybe they did and my batteries were dying on my hat. Dumbfounded, I enquired as to why toothbrush heads were locked up in the first place. "Ohh, they sell 'em for drugs" came the reply. So, apparently there are some really smart crack heads that know how to grab the toothbrush heads pull the security sticker out from in between the dual ply sealed plastic packaging, sneak by the security guard, the cameras, the magnetic alarm sensor and make a quick sale down the block. Then there are the customers. Seems to me that a stolen toothbrush head will get you really clean teeth and nothing more without buyers on the street in desperate need of an item that goes in your mouth and needs to be replaced once a year atthe minimum. These customers also must not mind buying a half opened package from a crack head in a side alley off 13th street to save a few bucks. All this overthinking has lead me to wander out of the store pondering what else can be stolen and sold on teh street. Diapers? Q-tips? band-aids? I guess in NYC there is a blackmarket for everything. Except drugs. That they just sell out in theopen now.

Saturday, April 08, 2006


Scary as they are spiders are a fact of life. They live everywhere including in your house. So lets not be so damn surprised when we spot one on the wall or in the basement or in the basement. Remember they eat a lot of other insects that we really don't want to see. Plus, we are not talking about black widows, tarantulas or wolf spiders(unless you live in AZ), we are talkin daddy long legs or brown house spiders. Both these names suggest calm and harmless species of an otherwise dangerous group. So, next time you happen upon one of these 8 legged pacifists keep it quiet and let her do her work. Remember, Charlotte kept that damn pig alive for months. Your friendly neighborhood arachnid might someday do the same for you.