Not even the simplest of tasks can be completed properly anymore. The days of relying on someone because their job requires them to perform “that” task are gone. Perhaps in this multitasking world of increased production for hyper consumerism habits we have lost site of our initial intentions.
It seems to me, companies were pushing for more efficiency in order to make more money. Big surprise. But, somewhere the definition of efficient became boiled down to speed. These words, at their root, mean very different things.
Efficiency implies performing a given task with as little waste as possible. That waste may be measured in materials, cost or time. An efficient company would be one that can make its product with the same results and quality only now they do it in half the time.
Speed simply represents the rate at which production can be completed. There is no implied quality in a company that is a “fast” producer of goods.
So, with all these companies pushing employees to move faster it has put pressure on our core capabilities as humans. Intelligence. Intelligence at our jobs has been squashed by the need for speed. No one has time to think about anything anymore. They just do.
Most of this angst comes from me asking simple questions and getting quick or half assed answers from the employee in hopes of me accepting their response so he/she can move onto the next customer. Everyone is reactive not proactive. They speak with a tone and manner that makes me feel like they are just trying to get rid of me so they can get on to the next customer as fast as they can.
I am sure there are other people who agree. I would rather a slow right answer over a fast wrong one any day.
Come on Intelligence, you can win! Fight for it!