Cookie Monster, yes,from Sesame Street, was seen putting a limit on the number of cookies a person should consume. In a recent episode of Sesame Street Cookie Monster said that it was good to eat cookies some of the time but not good to eat cookies all the time. He now refers to it as a "Sometimes food" in a new song. Aparently it is in reaction to the continued pressure form parents to not teach our children to eat poorly.
CAN YOU SHUT THE "F" UP! We grew up on cookie monster. He has been Cookie Monster for years. I am not fat and neither is my brother. I do not have an imaginary friend that looks like 6 people in a brown elephant bag. I am not grouchy to people who pass me on the street. I am also not a gay man living with another gay man who has a facination with rubber duckies. Not that there is anything wrong with any of these things.
How can something that was OK for us now be BAD for the kids of today. Maybe it's because no one is around to teach them anything anymore. Sesame Street and Barney have become major learning tools instead of entertainment programming. Go teach your children the difference between their, there and the're Go teach them that cookies are snacks not meals. go teach them people have choices and each person may choose a different path(ie-Eat cookies all the time or Never eat cookies) Play with them. Recite the alphabet. Teach them. They need you.
Let cookie monster eat cookies and reinforce it with the idea that "humans" eat them sometimes. Cookie "monsters" eat them ALL times. That's the whole idae behind the cookie monster in the first place. Check out the story on Click this